Carl E. McNair    
Minister of Jesus Christ

Director of Church Administration
Living Church of God
PO Box 501304
San Diego, CA 92150-1304

Listen to   Dr. Roderick C. Meredith  and Richard F. Ames
With Todays Living Word and the Prophecies of Tomorrows World!

California Address
Carl E. McNair
P.O. Box 27468
San Diego, CA 92198
San Diego Phone: 619-385-0647
San Diego Fax: 619-385-0953
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P.O. Box 5238          Helena, MT 59604-5238
Phone  when in Montana 406-362-4478

Feast of Tabernacles "99 Site.

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Misc.Other Friends e-mail:

Ames | Sanford | Bryce | S Bruce | Dana Glatz || OgwynG Weston |
Bonnie Miller RCM | Dibar A | L.Nyhus | J. Fall  |  D.Winnail | D.Contardi | B. League |
Don Davis | B.Tyler | Ron WheelerB Faulkner | L.Greer

Bode | B Freeze | Jon McNair | Rod McNair | Moody | Jarvis W | Lyle Haga | Jim Hamby | |
Whitfield |

Websters Dictionary

Email Address Book  

Arthur Schopenhauer "Genius is its own reward..... Further, genius consists in the working of the free intellect...",
And (recalling from memory) another statement by Schopenhauer: 
"All truth passes through three stages:
    First it is ridiculed..
        Second it is violently opposed, and
            Third it is accepted as self-evident and was always believed to be the thing to do."

Any Way You Can    (Author Unknown)
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight
    Build Anyway
The good you do today may not be remembered tomorrow
    Do Good Anyway
Honesty & frankness may make you vulnerable to attack
    Be honest Anyway
People who need help can be confused and distressed and they attack you when you try to help them
    Help them Anyway
People are unreasonable, illogical and self centered
    Try to love them Anyway
If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies
    Succeed Anyway

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  A simple Montana log cabin in which an old fisherman lives -- with the catch of his life!  Thirty-eight years, five wonderful children, twelve beloved grand-children. Can you beat that? Forgive me if I sound boastful....


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