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Feast of Tabernacles
Jackson, Wyoming 1998

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Vision Statement
    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom & instruction.  Doors must be walked through when they are opened.   Jesus Christ opens the doors, the obligation is to each and every one of you to do the walking through.

Mission Statement
    1.    Preaching and Publishing the Gospel to the world.
    2.    Feeding the flock
    3.    Education of disciples to do points 1 & 2

Through the Internet, God's Church has the means to:
        Multiply the effect of TV
       Better means of dispersing educational material -- in English, French, German,         and Spanish
       Build and maintain a library of articles and booklets always readily available         to the public
       Receive questions from viewers and answer them in a timely manner.
       Present to the world the positive picture of Jesus Christ through our example

Areas of Need:
    Youth Pages, --  to help our youth connect and grow -- teen directed pages
    Senior Pages  -- for vision and support
    Family Oriented Pages -- support for those in the process of rearing children
    Daily commentary on church activities -- "then they that feared the Lord spake often with one another; and the Lord hearkened and heart it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name" (Mal. 3:16).
    Meeting the new needs of Local churches, Ministers, and the Public

Sharing expertise and knowledge in business and training others
Sharing sermons, sermonettes, and other educational materials
Sharing worthy news items -- to "watch" that we may pray effectively

In building your pages Please keep in mind what is appropriate for the public, keeping in mind that we will be judged by our words and our deeds.

Mirroring the warning message
Giving people hope in a decaying world system
Instruction in steps they may take toward salvation
Support of your brother in Christ scattered abroad

Ideas for your WEB Page

Appropriate local church information (creatively)
Member only areas -- (links to church home pages as appropriate)
Public Areas
Youth Areas
Senior Areas
Family Areas

Share by inviting volunteers to help with your ideas. Give people warmth and a desire to want their Savior. There should never be anger, condemnation, or rancor.
Make it live with the newest available technology.


Steve Bode's Page of Harmony and Good Will  (A sample)
Jarvis' Home page (gcg)



FastCounter by LinkExchange

What you would need to start a web page.
Pentium Computer
Modem to connect to the telephone & all cords
Windows95 or 98
A web page creation program for making web pages   (E.I. Frontpage98)
A dial-up connection to an ISP (Internet Service Provider) & E-mail
Space on a File Server (usually provided by your ISP)
If you use Frontpage98, make sure your ISP provides "Front Page Extensions"
A book on teaching yourself WEB Page Creation



Global E-mail Addresses 8/1/98