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Glendo, on the site of the old Horseshoe Stage Station, is a favorite spot for outdoor recreation in Platte County. The beautiful Glendo State Park, with Glendo reservoir and marina, is especially attractive to those enjoying water sports. An annual regatta and a fishin tournament draw many entrants and have become major events. Water skiing, windsurfing, sailing and non-competitive fishing are seasonal pleasures open to all who would be inclined to such satisfactions.

West of Glendo rises Laramie Peak, a Wyoming landmark. Some of the oldes ranches in Platte County are on Horsehoe Creek between the base of Laramie Peak and present day Glendo. The surrounding area is a well-kept secret-rich in archaological finds from Indian relics to fossils, as well as to more modern chronicles. This popular seasonal resort is home to thousands of visitors in the summer and is growing to accommodate the needs of tourist and citizens alike.

Although Glendo proper is a small town, it has not been isolated from life, and many have found in it a sactuary. A true western spirit, favored with simple hospitality, survives and the unpleasant conflicts caused by overcrowding and commercialization have been avoided.

Howard's General Store and Motel and Fireworks, puts on quite a firework display over the 4th of July. On memorial week-end, the town sponsors Bernie's Hot Air Balloon Festival. Come and injoy great fishing, and get up early to see those colorful balloon's flying, weather permitting, of course.

Other links:

Glendo Profile information - location, population, climate, government, community services, communications, education, utilities, housing, transportation, labor analysis, economic development organization.


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