There are three parts to using Frames. The Frameset, Frames and No
Frames page. The Frameset is a web page that holds the other frames. The contents
for each Frame are actually separate pages loaded into a frame. The No Frames page
displays for browsers that do not display frames. To use Frames for your Home Page, rename the Frameset page to Default.htm
or whatever your web uses for the default home page. Then set the initial page for
each frame in the frameset to show the contents you want loaded first. To create the No Frames page click on the No Frames tab in FrontPage
Editor. If desired, the Include Page component can be used to add the contents of
the several frames. While your Frame Set is open In FP Editor:
NOTE: In some cases Netscape displays the borders of Nested frames.
In this case edit the HTML and add framespacing="0"
frameborder="0" border="0" to any additional nested frameset
tags. When the Create Hyperlink form is open:
NOTE: When the Make default for hyperlinks on this page
is highlighted, you can check the box and all links on the page will you the target
How can I make Frames my Home Page?
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How can I Hide Frame Borders?
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How can I Set Target Frames for Links?