it be nice if:
The National Society of Accountants
The National Association of Enrolled Agents
The National Association of Tax Practitioners
And Other related Professional Organizations
All Merged
into one fine organization
Supporting the Accounting and Tax Practitioner and Related Services
Supporting the Professions of like-kind
Providing the Credentialing and Education in a Unified Project
Many corporations merge, why can't we do it too?
We are all a brotherhood of Practicing Professionals
Lets call it the
Certified Practicing Professionals
A lot of Fencing organizations
A lot of Job Protection organizations
A lot of Licensing Boards....
would have to take another look at their Processes and Methods, and change them.
Could it be done? Could fellow man build bridges instead of barriers?
Could mankind really hold hands instead of taking up arms? Could we
really introduce love to our fellow man in the professional world instead of bickering?
What would happen if a merger could really take place?
I wonder who would be allowed to be King?
How about a group of kings called a
"Personal Holding Company Kingship"?
Also by recommendation mail your thoughts to Steve Desdier, the promoter of Holding Hands instead of Swords.