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Chamber Membership
Places to Stay
Things to Do
What's Happening
Hunting & Fishing
Relocation Info
Community Services


Provided by Platte County Chamber of Commerce
(307 322-2322) (Rates and availability subject to change at any time)


Diamond Guest Ranch - 800-932-4222 Val or Mike Heatherly
(privately owned) 307-422-3564 Open May 15-October 15.
Maximum vehicle length 48 feet, No limit to stay. Fees: $14-Camp Tent areas,
$18.00 R.V. camping + parties over 2/ $2.00 per person R.V. elect. hookup, water

Pitzer's Trailer Park - 307-422-3421 - Contact: JoDale Russell (privately owned)
Open all year. Maximum vehicle length 60 feet.
No limit to stay. Fees: $10/night R.V. elect. hook-up, water, sewer


Glendo State Park - 307-735-4433 Contact: Gary Weaver or Ross.
Open all year. Entrance daily use fee $2.00 for resident and $3.00 for non-resident.
Entrance daily use fee for year for residents only $25.00, $4.00/camping per night.
Annual Camping permits for residents only $25..00 plus entrance fee.

Glendo Marina - 307-735-4216 Contact: Annette Rich. (privately owned)
Open all year. No limit on stay.Fees: R.V. trailer at Glendo Marina
$12.50 per night & ask for motel rates, Sewer, water & electricity.

Lake View - 307-735-4461 Contact: Lyle Eller (privately owned)
Campground in town of Glendo.
Open all year. Maximum vehicle length 40 feet. No limit to stay.
Fees: $12 to $15/night for 2 people.

Laramie Peak Unit in Medicine Bow National Forest
Highway 34 to Blue Grass Tunnel Road, across Laramie River 1 mile.
No developed camps, mostly used by hunters. No facilities.


Guernsey State Park - 307-836-2334 Contact: Dusty Humphreys
Open all year, no limit to stay. (South Entrance gate: 307-836-2942)
Entrance daily use fee $2.00 for resident and $3.00 for non-resident.
Entrance daily use fee for year for residents only $25.00, $4.00/camping per night.
Camping permit for year for residents only $25.00 plus entrance fee.
(Lake drained to river only after July 4th and lake fills up again by Labor Day weekend)

Larson Park - 307-836-2255 Contact: Ken Griffth or Dan Jeffries
(Town of Guernsey) located by Golf course on river. Open April - Oct. 15, 1997.
No maximum of vehicle length. No limit to stay.
Fees: $5.00/tent $8.00 campers All hookups except sewer, bathrooms with showers.

Offe R.V. Park - 307-836-2356 Contact: Darrell Offe
(privately owned, located in Guernsey)
Open all year. $5.00 day, sewer, water & elect. hookup/ during winter electric is extra.
Weekly and monthly rates available

For additional Guernsey information call Guernsey Info Center & Museum 307-836-2715.
Information for Fort Laramie call 307-837-2221


Mountain View Park Black Mountain Village 322-4858. $12 per night full hookup, water,
electicity, cable T.V., sewer monthy rate $150.00, any length.

Grayrocks Reservoir (Located near Laramie River Station.) Free camping, 5 day time limit,
only bathroom. No hookups. Open Lake.
Cottonwood Canteen - local facility to get supplies, gas, showers and fishing licenses.

Lewis Park Campground - 307-322-2962 (City of Wheatland) located in downtown Wheatland.
Open all year. Free stay limited to 3 continuous days (donations accepted)
Tent area available. Electric hookups, water and sewer. Bathrooms available.

Wheatland Reservoir # 1 Free camping, 5-day limit. Fishing and boating. No hookups

Rock Lake (next to Wheatland Reservoir #1) 5-day limit, fishing and boating, no hookups

Festo Lake (County lake near Wheatland) Ck. posted signs, no facilities.