

Lake Guernsey State Park:


Guernsey State Park's south entrance is located about a mile northwest of Guernsey. If you are coming from Interstate I-25, take highway 26. It's about a 15 or 20 minute drive and worth the trip. Scenic Guersney Lake is surrounded by hills covered with juniper and pine, grass and sage. The cliffs are colorful pink-walled standstone. Guernsey State Park covers about 6,538 acres, about seven miles long.

Guernsey Reservoir is backed behind a 105 foot-tall, 560-foot-long earthern dam. Each summer, usually after the fourth of July, the reservoir is drained completely to reduce silt build up, and for irrigation down river. It only takes about a week to fill it back up. They also drain it again after Labor Day week-end. When the lake is full, it's the perfect spot for boating, and water skiing. It's one of the more scenic lakes in the State, and probably the best kept secret.

The south shore has five miles of sandy beach, great for swimming and picnics. There are seven campgrounds, many with unique stone structures. The view as you drive along the lake shore is spectular, and your camera will be clicking.

Guernsey State Park Museum, built by Civilian Conservation Corps in 1936, has a fine displays of rocks, old west history, and pictures of the past. Your kids will enjoy a walk into history. It is located on a high cliff that overlooks Laramie Peak, the lake and the Platte River. As you drive up a winding road that circles to the top, you'll be able to observe the dam from an eagle's point of view, and take pictures of the town of Guernsey nestled in the trees off to the left.

If you like to hike, you'll find eight miles of hiking trails and a short nature trail near the museum. Bring your camera; the area attracks birds and wildlife, and the wildflowers grow profusely.

There are places open to the public where you can fish, go rafting, or canoeing on the North Platte River near Guernsey. It is surrounded by the largest cottonwood trees I've ever seen.

Guernsey State Park - 307-836-2334
Open all year, no limit to stay. (South Entrance gate: 307-836-2942)
Entrance daily use fee $2.00 for resident and $3.00 for non-resident
Entrance daily use fee for full year for residents only $25.00
$4.00/camping per night-
Camping permit for full year for resident's only $25.00 plus entrance fee.
(Lake drained to river only after July 4th and Lake fills up again by Labor Day week-end)

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