Platte County Wyoming
(Members of Chamber) Platte County Chamber of Commerce Members
Hotel/Motel Address City/St.Zip Phone
Motel 6 95-16th St. Wheatland, Wy 82201 307-322-1800
45 rooms no-dining no-meeting room
no-pool yes-pets
Bunkhouse Highway 26 Guernsey,Wy 82214 307-836-2356 31 rooms no-dining yes-meeting room
no-pool yes-pets
Howards P.O. Box 358 Glendo, wy. 82213 307-735-4252 10 rooms no-dining no-meeting room
no-pool yes-pets
Torchlight Inn 1809 16th St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-4070 50 rooms no-dining
no-meeting room yes-pool yes-pets
Vimbo's P.O. Box 188 Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-3842 38 rooms yes-dining yes-meeting
room no-pool yes-pets
Glendo Marina 383 Glendo Park Glendo, Wy. 82213 307-735-4216 6 rooms yes-dining no-meeting
room no-pool no-pets
Wyoming Motel 1101 9th St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 1-800-839-5383 26 rooms no-dining
no-meeting room yes-hot tub ?-pets
Buffalo Lodge/Super 8 100 Buffalo Dr. Chugwater, Wy. 82210 1-800-800-8000 23 rooms
no-dinning yes-meeting room yes-pool yes-pets
Parkway Motel, 1257 South St., Wheatland, WY 82201 307-322-3080, 14 Rooms
Small Family Motel
West Winds Motel, 1656 South St., Wheatland, WY 82201
Plains Motel, 308 16th St., Wheatland, WY 82201
Bed and Breakfast
Homestead Bed & Breakfast 431 E. Havely
Road Wheatland 307-422-3316
The Blackbird Inn 1101-11th St. Wheatland 307-322-4540
Guest Ranch
Grant's Ranch P.O. Box 459 Wheatland 322-2923
Diamond Guest 12 1/2 miles W Diamond Chugwater, Wy. 82210 307-422-3564 Ranch
Fast Food
Arby's 91 - 16th St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-5432
Burger King 92 - 16th St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-2424
Pizza Hut 1801- 16th St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-4001
Subway 1455 South St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-9711
Taco John's 1457 South St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-4058
Terra Grano Pizza 1557 South St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-4888
Casey's 1556 South St. Wheatland, Wyo. 82201 307-322-5334 Restaurant
Casa DeVargas 9 S. Idaho Guernsey, Wyo. 82214 307-836-3000 Restaurant
Glendo Marina 383 Glendo Park Rd. Glendo, Wy. 82213 307-735-4216
Rooster's 103 N. Yellowstone Glendo, Wy. 82213 307-735-4451
Vimbo's 16th Street Wheatland, Wyo. 82201 307-322-3842 Restaurant
The Mine 1553 South St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-3819
Wheatland 1251 E. Cole Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-2650 Country Club (Private)
The Timberhaus 1803 16th St. Wheatland, Wy. 82201 307-322-4932
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