Parkway Motel    1257 South St.,  Wheatland, WY 82201    Phone 307-322-3433
Motel for Sale,  Wyoming Motels, Wheatland Motels, Motels for sale, Motels
Wheatland WY, Wheatland, Wyoming

Managers apartment is a 4 bedroom residence, with kitchen and bathroom,  Large one lot provate back yard with large garden area.  Lots of windows and private entrances.  Fully Carpeted, with Master Key Phones in 4 locations to run the phone service from your easy chair in the residence.  Phone system is designed for low manager maintenance and free local calls.  "0"+ dialing for long distance from each room.  Each room has remote TV's.  Some have microwaves and refrigerators.

Office is glassed in and on a diagonal just outside the residence access from 2 doors.

  Residence has either gas or regular log fireplace and large front room.

Laundry room has one washer and one dryer and is stocked with a replacement set of linens for each room.

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