Jack Twiford
Twiford Ranch
JJ Cattle Co.
West Ranch Partnership
642 Horseshoe Rd.
Glendo, WY 82213
Braunvieh is a German word meaning Brown
Cattle. There were at least 12 types of brown cattle found in the mountains of
Switzerland during the 1600's. These animals showed a wide variation in type and
size depending on where they were raised and they form the basis for the modern
Braunvieh. Focused selection began in the canton of Schwyz. By the 19th
century, breeders began to export these animals to surrounding regions. A breeders
society was formed in Switzerland in 1897 and is called Schweizerischer
Braunviehzuchtverband. In 1974, they accounted for 47% of the cattle found in
Switzerland, second only to Simmental.
These cattle have been exported throughout the world including western Europe, former
eastern block countries and Russia. In many cases the breed was used to improve the
quality of the local cattle.
In Europe, the Braunvieh are still primarily used for milk production. In comparison
to the European Holstein-Friesian they are approximate equal in average daily gain, % milk
fat, % milk protein, calving ease and calf mortality. The Braunvieh are lower in
milk yield, muscularity, age of sexual maturity and milkability. The
Holstein-Friesian has retained more beef characteristics than the American Holstein.