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Universal Farm Account Books
A single-entry Bookkeeping Book for most small farms and ranches.
Serving the Farm industry for more than 45 years

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The Best All around Bookkeeping Book for Farms and Ranches
Useful for all kinds of Farms
4.00 per book + S&H
Discounts for Larger orders and Printing on Front.

Thomas Guenin
2432 E. Tennis Ct.     A-15
Bay City, MI 48706



I have been in the Farm and Ranch accounting business for 30 years and have used this book regularly.   Many of my clients use this book every year.   If I were to not be able to get this exact one, I would have to print my own.  I have not seen one this simple in any stores.      If any of you want more information on how I use this or like this bookkeeping book, call me.  I give this away to my clients with my advertising and the words "complementary" on the cover.  
307-322-3433   Jarvis Windom, Accountant